Ellie Hunter
Ellie Hunter

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A team of BAFTA and Emmy Award-Winning visionaries are spearheading the gaming evolution.

Visionaries are leading the next gaming era with cutting-edge methods. Central to this shift is the incorporation of new models that rethinks the importance of community-led gaming, and its impact on game development.

Game companies are adopting these three key innovations to stay ahead of the curve.

1. Community-owned gameplay
By involving the community in the development process, games are crafted with player preferences that lead to more engaging and player-centric experiences, adding competitive edges over games that rely on the traditional model of game development.

2. Player-created content
Through player-created content (PCC), gamers are now crafting and trading virtual in-game items like avatars, skins, and even entire maps.

3. Social hubs
“This shift towards social hubs signifies a deeper change in gaming culture. Players are demanding spaces to interact outside of the core gameplay environment, where they can flaunt their skills, achievements, and unique collectibles without being constrained by centralized game companies,” says Norbury (Head of Studio at Shrapnel).

These shifting trends signal a transformative era in gaming, where both developers and players alike are at the forefront of a dynamic, evolving gaming landscape.

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