Christie Mu
Christie Mu

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Facebook will soon use your photos, posts and other info to train its AI. You can opt out (but it's complicated)

Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, announced it will use users' posts and photos to train its AI products starting June 26, 2024.

Users are automatically opted in but can opt out through a complex process. Privacy advocates express concern over this move, as it involves processing personal and sensitive data. Users must fill out a form and confirm via email to object.

Simon McGarr, a solicitor, argues that processing sensitive data under "legitimate interest" is not legally valid under GDPR, and calls for intervention from the Data Protection Commissioner.

Discussion (3)

marshalshoen profile image

While this is bad for just regular folks using the platform, as their data is being unfairly used to train AI it’s doubly bad for creators who post their life’s work on these platforms. I feel as though creators are not getting talked about enough in this regard.

cherri profile image

It doesn’t help that most people haven’t touched / will not touch their Facebook profile AND that the process to opt out is difficult.

That barrier is strategic for FB to try to leverage as much of that data as they can. Quite dubious.

firesquid profile image
Jeremy Beckler

To be clear, yes these are your images and videos from Instagram as well [0]

[0] fastcompany.com/91132854/instagram...