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Kino: Pro Video Camera

Lux has introduced Kino, a new filmmaking app designed for both beginners and experts. Kino offers features such as Instant Grade, which applies cinematic presets to iPhone videos, and AutoMotion, which optimizes motion blur for a film-like quality. The app's interface is intuitive, with manual and automatic controls to cater to different user levels. Kino supports Apple Log video, external storage, and custom LUTs. Launched on the seventh anniversary of Lux's first app Halide, Kino is available for $19.99, with an initial discount to $9.99. Feedback from beta testers has been positive, and Lux plans to expand Kino's features based on user input.

Discussion (1)

lefty profile image

Pretty awesome, especially for a one time purchase app. I’ve been meaning to play with Prolog and LUT files but it’s always been a bit intimidating.